Case Study

Cortevesio’s bio revolution

A very special "case study": much more than coating

Roberto Cortevesio's company - Verniciatura Cortevesio - which is based in Guarene, a small municipality located in the province of Cuneo, in the Piedmont region, has nearly half a century experience in the coating of wooden doors and windows entrusted by its highly loyal customers.

The company's rule: passion for innovation
Roberto takes care of his customers' windows and doors as if they were his own. He is passionate about innovation, both in terms of coating equipment (he uses an advanced automated robotic coating system - which is not common in the industry - to apply the last coat of lacquered finish and for special coating cycles) and in terms of top-quality coatings, which are the coatings of the future. A future that is already present in the Cortevesio company. Due to his passion as well as his extraordinary, innate, spontaneous, "physiological" attitude to working in partnership, he's almost unaware of his "supporting" role with his customers and ICA Group, whose most outstanding R&D results he is able to understand, also thanks to the close collaboration with Antonio Luna (Technical Commercial Manager) and Rinaldo Guagnoni (Italian Market Sales Manager) in choosing the coating cycles. They both know the great importance of high-quality coating products as well as their application process - from coating film deposition to drying and sanding - in order to achieve excellent results.

An inspired independent contractor and a leading entrepreneur
A necessary remark: Roberto sometimes even takes decisions that are not explicitly asked for by customers to satisfy his unconscious desire to always stand out from the crowd.

Arborea Bio coatings
They are Roberto's most recent innovative choice and he is determined to extend it to whole his coating activity. ICA's excellent but "regular" water-based coatings weren't "enough" for him... Arborea Bio coatings are made with renewable materials deriving from innovative refining processes aimed at converting “waste” vegetable matter (this term doesn't have a negative connotation and it's actually quite effective) that is not fit for human consumption and which is oriented towards a circular economy, ensuring industrial processability, hardness, chemical resistance, light resistance and maximum reliability.

A truly GREEN choice that in 2019 will allow Verniciatura Cortevesio to reduce 55,000 kg of CO2 , equivalent to 464,000 km covered by car!

A tribute to "good old wood"
During a conference which was co-organized by him, Roberto took the opportunity to effectively promote "fine" wood window market. More than the usual unproductive competition with aluminum and PVC, it was his "passionate" analysis on the difference that there is, and will always be, between a handmade product (even if innovated with current technology) and an artifact derived from a serial, large-scale industrial production, which leaves no room for individual and customizing innovation, to support the value of wood.

The first love
It is no coincidence, for example, that a customer buying a PVC window asks for "a wooden effect finish". It's an understandable request but at the same time it looks like an alibi because it proves the timeless affection for the most used material in the world, of which Roberto is an extraordinary guardian, a passionate tutor and an expert supporter.

Thanks Roberto: you are the proof that a business can become a mission.

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