September 2, 2014 - News


ICA opens its doors to school students

The partnership between ICA Group's Human Resources Department and a number of local schools takes the form of various initiatives geared towards allowing the students to get to know a major industrial concern operating in the chemical sector. Accordingly, over the course of the year, a number of students are invited to don overalls for a placement in the laboratory or alternatively, groups of students visit the training rooms.
From February through May, numerous students – from the technical high schools of Recanati and Fermo, and from the high schools specializing in the arts of Fermo and Porto San Giorgio – were to be found alongside the personnel responsible for chemical/physical testing, the quality control of the coatings and the management of the tintometric systems, helping them to carry out such tasks as recording, cataloging and archiving laboratory samples, conducting tests of various types, testing and applying ICA products and developing colors. The students also got to grips with the regulatory framework and learned how to use technical instrumentation. The students' contribution was very useful in terms of productivity and the implementation of new operations.
During the month of April, the fifth-year students on the chemistry course at the ITIS Mattei in Recanati participated in a practical/theory course lasting two days and staged at the Research & Development laboratories. With the support of the laboratory technicians, the students observed not only the entire production process but also the different problems inherent in the manufacture and introduction of industrial products – particularly if those products are innovative – in a national and international context.

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